The following paragraph on “Renewable Energy”
The energy sources have always been a major actor of change
throughout history. Now the countries of the world rely heavily on petroleum,
coal and natural gas for their energy sources. There are two types of energy
sources such as renewable and non-renewable. Hydro-carbon of fossil fuels is
non-renewable sources of energy. Reliance on them creates real big problems.
First, fossil fuels such as oil, coal, gas etc. are finite energy sources and
the world eventually will run out of them. Secondly they will become too
expensive in the coming decades and too damaging for the environment to repair.
Thirdly, fossil fuels have direct polluting impacts on earth’s environment
causing global warming. Besides, the era of wood and bio-mass has almost come
to an end. The age of oil and natural gas would soon be over within the next few
decades. So, the only solution is that mankind can look to the massive use of
solar energy in future because it has some advantages over other forms of
renewable energies. The sun’s heat drives the wind and this wind energy can be
captured with wind turbines to produce electricity. Then the wind and the sun’s
heat cause water to evaporate. When this water vapor turns into rain or snow
and flows downhill into rivers or streams, its energy can be captured as hydroelectric
energy. Scientists have identified hydrogen as another form of renewable energy
source. It is the most abundant element in nature. It is examined that hydrogen,
separated from another element, can be burned as a fuel to produce electricity.
Our earth’s interior contains molten lava with tremendous heat. This heat
inside the earth produces steam and hot water which can be tapped as geothermal
energy to produce electricity, for heating home, etc. Besides, ocean energy
comes from several sources. Ocean’s force of tide and wave can be used to
produce energy. So, it is high time the developing or developed countries took
essential initiatives tapping alternative energy sources mainly known as green
or renewable energy sources.
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