Friday, December 18, 2015

Force Electric

Nature of force

A positively charged plastic rod is suspended by nylon string. [Fig: Nature of force]
Nature of force
Nature of force
Now a negatively charged polythene rod is brought near it. What do you observe? The plastic rod will move towards the polythene rod. So, it is proved that two oppositely charged object attract each other. [Fig: Nature of force (a)]
Now what will you observe when a positively charged plastic rod is brought near a freely suspended positively charged plastic rod the suspended rod will move apart quickly. That is charges of same nature repel each other.

Coulomb’s Law

We know that the charges of opposite nature attract each other and charges of same nature repel each other. The force of attraction or repulsion between the two charges depends on,
1. Quantity of charges.
2. Distance between two charges.
3. The nature of the medium between the two charges.
Scientist Coulomb states a law about the force of attraction or repulsion between the two charges. This is called Coulomb’s law.
Coulomb’s Law
Figure: 1
Law: The forces of attraction or repulsion between two charged bodies in particular medium is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them and the force acts along the straight line connecting them.
Suppose, two charges q1 and q2 are at a distance d from each other [Fig: 1]. If the force of attraction or repulsion between these two is F, then according to Coulomb’s law,
Coulomb’s law
Coulomb’s law
Here C is a constant of proportionality. Its value in vacuum is 9 x 109 Nm2C-2. Sometimes it is called coulombs constant.
Unit of charge: The unit of charge is coulomb (C). It is a derived unit. Coulomb is defined from ampere.
If 1 ampere (1 A) current flows through a conductor for 1 second (1 s), then the amount of charge that passes through any cross section of the conductor is called coulomb (1 C).

Electric Field

Suppose A is a positively charged body. Now if a charge +q is placed at point P, then due to the charge of A, the +q charge will gain a force. We say that at point P there is an electric field, the source of which a charged body A. That is if a charged body, in which the influence of the charged body exists is called the electric field of the charged body.
Electric Field
Electric Intensity
According to coulomb’s law, it is found that the nearer the point P [Fig: Electric Intensity] to the charged body A, the more will be the strength of electric field at that point. The strength of the electric field is called intensity. If at any point of an electric field a unit of positive charge is placed and the force that it acquires is called the electric intensity at that point. If the charge at point P acquires a force F, then the intensity of electric field at that point P,
E = F ÷ q
Electric intensity is a vector quantity and its direction is along the force acting on a unit positive charge placed in an electric field. The unit of electric charge is newton/coulomb (NC-1).

Electric Lines of Force

Michel Faraday introduced electric lines of force to get an idea about electric field. If a positive charge is placed in an electric field it would experience a force. If the charge is a free one, gaining this force instead of remaining stationary it would move in a definite path. Electric line of force is the path of a free positive charge that moves in an electric field. There is no real existence of lines of force. These lines are imaginary. The electric lines of force are used to for measuring the electric intensity and explaining its direction at a point in an electric field. The lines of force of an electric field are such that, the tangent drawn at a point to a line of force indicates the direction of electric intensity at that point. The number of lines of force passing through unit area perpendicular to the lines of force at a point in the electric field is proportional to magnitude of the electric intensity at that point. In a diagram of lines of force of an electric field, the gap between the lines indicates the magnitude of intensity of electric field. In an electric field where the lines of forces are closer magnitude of E is greater there and where the lines of forces are away magnitude of E is less there.
For different positions of charged object, the nature of the lines of force of an electric field varies. Lines of force of a few electric are described below. For the simplicity of description the conductors are taken as spherical.
Electric Lines of Force
Electric Lines of Force
1. For an isolated positive charge the nature of lines of force is shown in figure Electric Lines of Force (a). In this case the lines of force emerged uniformly from the surface of the conductor perpendicularly. If the charge of the body increases then the number of lines of force also increases.
2. The lines of force of an electric field produced by two equal and opposite charges are shown in figure Electric Lines of Force (b). In this case the line of force emerges from positive charge and terminates at negative charge.
3. The lines of force of an electric field produced by two equal positive charges placed nearby are shown in figure Electric Lines of Force (c). In this case the lines of force go far away from each other; as a result there will be no lines of force in between them. In figure this place is indicated by ‘X’ sign. If a charge is placed at this place it will experience no force. This point is called neutral force.
4. The lines of force of an electric field produced by two unequal positive charges placed nearby are shown in figure Electric Lines of Force (d). In this case, the neutral point ‘N’ would not be nearer to the smaller charges.

Electric Potential

As there is intensity of an electric field, it also has electric potential. Potential determines the direction of motion of a charge in an electric field and also determines the direction in which the charge will flow when two charged conductors are connected by a conductor wire. If the charge creating field is positive, some work is done against the force of repulsion if another positive charge is brought near it. Therefore, the more positive charge is brought from a point at infinity nearer to the body, the more work will have to be done. So, within the electric field of a positively charged body, the more a point is brought nearer to the body, the more will be the quantity of potential. If any electric field created by a positively charged body and a free positive charge is placed and allowed to move freely, it would go away from the body. Therefore, we can say that positive charge moves from higher potential to lower potential. On the other hand, negative charge moves towards positively charged body. Thus, negative charge moves from lower potential to higher potential. If the body creating the electric field is charged negatively, then some work will be done due to attraction of a unit positive charge bringing towards it. A positive charge itself does work while coming from infinity towards a negatively charged body, which creates an electric field. As a result the charge loses energy and the potential at a point in the electric field is considered as negative.
Measurement of potential: The work done to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to a point in an electric field is called the potential of that point. Again from infinity if a unit of positive charge is brought near to the conductor, the work done by the electric force or against the electric force is called potential of that conductor.
If a unit positive charge q is brought very near to the conductor from a point at infinity and if the amount of work done is W, the potential ‘V’ of the conductor or of that point will be,
V = W ÷ q
Electric potential determines in which direction the flow of electric charge takes place when two charged conductors are electrically connected.
define electric potential
Electric Potential
If two positively charged metallic spheres are connected by conducting wire (fig: Electric Potential) than any of the following phenomena may occur.
1. Some charge from the left sphere may go to the right sphere.
2. Some charge from the right sphere may go to the left sphere.
3. The charges may remain as it is.
The movement of charge from one sphere to another does not depend on the quantity of charge of the spheres but it depends on electric potential. The positive charge will flow from sphere to sphere of higher potential to that if lower potential. This flow of charge will continue until the potential of these two spheres become equal. So, potential is an electric condition of a charged conductor that determines whether it takes or gives up charge when connected to another charged conductor by a connecting wire.

Similarity between potential and temperature and free surface of liquid

The role which is played by temperature and the height of free surface of liquid in heat and hydro-statics respectively, potential plays the same role in electrostatics. We know, if we connect two bodies thermally, there may be exchange of heat between them. The flow of heat does not depend on the mass of i.e. inherent heat within it, but on the temperature.
Similarity between potential and temperature and free surface of liquid
Similarity between potential and temperature and free surface of liquid
Two tubes A and B are placed at same horizontal level. They are connected by a tube with a stop cock S (Fig: Similarity between potential and temperature and free surface of liquid). Closing the stop cock water is poured in to A and B tubes in such a way so the height of water column is same in two tubes. As the diameter of B is much greater than that of A, to raise the water level at same height much more water is requires for tube B. Now if the stop cock is opened there would be no change in water height i.e. there is no flow of water. Though the amount of water is different in two tubes, but as there is height is same, so there is no flow of water. Now if closing the stop cock a little amount water is poured into A tube, the amount of water in it will still be less than that of B, but the height of water level will increase slightly. After if the stop cock is opened, then water will flow from A to and the height of the water column will w same in both A and B. It is thus understood that flow of water does not depend on the amount of water rather the height.
Suppose two conductors are positively charged. The amount of charge in first conductor is greater than that of second conductor but the potential of the first one is less than that of the second. Now if, two conductors are connected electricity then positively charge will flow from second conductor to first conductor. Though the amount of charge is greater in first conductor yet it will take charge because its potential is low. As a result of flow of charges when the potential of the two conductors become equal then the flow will stop.
Therefore it can be said, the role of temperature in heat, role of free surface of liquid in hydro-static and the role of potential in electrostatic are same.

Electric Potential of Earth

Earth is an electric conductor. When a charged body is connected to the earth, it becomes electrically neutral. When a positively charged body is grounded electrons coming from the earth neutralize the body. When a negatively charged body is grounded electrons from the body flow to the earth and the body becomes neutral. The earth is so big that if charge is added or taken away from it its potential does not change at all. Likewise if water is taken away from sea or poured in the water level does not change. The earth is always taking charge from different bodies and simultaneously it supplies charge to other bodies. Hence earth is considered charge less. To determine the height of a place the height of the sea level is taken as zero, similarly to determine the potential of a body, the potential of earth is taken as zero.

Zero, Positive and Negative Potential

The potential of an uncharged conductor is taken as zero. When a charged conductor is connected to the earth its potential becomes zero. Because, in the connected state, are both the conductor and the earth is considered as a single conductor. The potential of a positively charged body is positive and negatively charged body is negative.

Unit of potential, Volt

If the work done in bringing 1 coulomb (1C) of positive charge from infinity to a point in the electric field is 1 joule (1J), then the potential at that point is called 1 volt (1V).
The potential at a point in an electric field is 20V means to bring 1 coulomb (1C) positive charge from infinity to that point 20J work is to be done.

Potential difference

Let, in an electric field A and B are two points and the potentials of the points are VA and VB respectively (fig: Potential difference). The work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to point A is VA and to point B is VB. Therefore the work done in bringing a unit positive charge from point B to point A is VA –VB i.e. the potential difference between these two points.
electric potential difference
Potential difference
The work done in transferring a unit positive charge from one point to another point in an electric field is called potential difference between two points.

Electric capacitor

The capability of storing energy as electric charge is called capacitor. Capacitor is the mechanical device designed to sustain the capacitance. Capacitor stores energy from a source such as electric cell and again uses it. A capacitor is made by placing an insulating material such as air, glass, plastic etc. Therefore, the mechanical process of storing energy as electric charges by placing an insulating medium in between two nearby conductors is called capacitor.
Electric capacitor
Electric capacitor
A simple capacitor is made by placing two insulating metal plates parallel to each other. When a battery is connected to its two plates (Fig: Electric capacitor) then electrons may flow to a plate from its negative rod and is charged negatively. Electrons flow to the positive rod of battery from the other plate of the capacitor. As a result that plate is charged positively. The amount of charge deposited in the plates depends on the voltage of the battery.
Capacitors are used in radio, television, record player and the circuits of other electronic devices widely.


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