Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sources of Finance

Finance means fund collection, its management and distribution. In this chapter, we will learn about the concept of the sources of finance for doing the fund collection activity efficiently. Different sources of finance have different features. For these different features, fund should be collected from different sources suitable for different situations of the business. For example, to purchase a fixed asset fund should be collected through share selling. Again, to meet the daily needs such as, raw materials purchase, credit purchasing can be used or short term bank loan can be utilized.

After reading this chapter we shall be able to do:

·         Classification of sources of finance
·         Comparative discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of different term finances.
·         External Sources of Finance


The fund required for the purpose of starting any business or to conduct the daily activities of business, selection of the sources of finance is one of the important decisions in financial management. Because, different sources has different costs of capital and the sources of different terms have different advantages and disadvantages. An institution collects fund by analyzing different sources to select that mixture of sources which will provide maximum benefit and minimum cost. Main objective of investment is profit earning. We can get net profit by subtracting the cost of capital and tax from total profit. So, the cost of capital should be reduced to maximize the profit of the business.

Concept of the different sources of finance

Business finance means supplying of fund required for running a business. Mr. William is the owner of a tailoring shop. He purchased some machines at the beginning of the business. Generally, a business person tries to collect fund from his own savings for the purpose of machines purchase related fixed investment. But if he sees after calculations that his own savings is not sufficient to purchase the machines, then he can collect fund through loan at a certain rate of interest from different commercial banks or other loan providing financial institutions. He usually collects this type of loan for a fixed term. Fund can also be collected from bank and other non-institutional sources against collateral of fixed property of business, like- building, factory and current property, like- raw materials, salable products etc. Besides, Mr. William may meet the needs of finance by reinvesting the profit earned by him without withdrawing this it from the business. If Mr. William feels cash crisis to meet the current needs, like- maintenance of machinery, payment of house rent, payment of labor wages, payment of electricity bill etc. during the time when the business is in operation, then he can receive advance from the buyers against future selling. Moreover, purchase on credit is another source of finance. Sometimes heavy machinery, big equipment, building, land, etc. can be rented from different organizations for a fixed period instead of purchasing and thus the business person can remain protected from the risk of huge investment at a time.
Thus, due to the differences of forms, nature and objectives of business, an organization collects fund from different sources. In every organization there are two separate sources of finance. One is the owners and the other is the creditors. Fund provided by the owners are called internal sources of finance and that provided by the creditors are called external sources of finance. Most of the organizations usually utilize both these two sources.
In the below table, classifications of these two sources of finance have been shown:

Internal Sources of Finance

Fund which the owner of a business invests through his saved profit or un-utilized profit is called the internal sources of finance. Internal sources of finance can be divided into two types: a) Ownership-based sources, b) Profit-based sources. Now we will know about the different kinds of these two sources of finance.
Classification of the sources of finance
Classification of the sources of finance

Ownership Based Classifications of Internal Sources

Nature of internal fund is different for different kinds of business organizations. We know, based on ownership organizations may be of Sole Proprietorship, Partnership or Joint Stock Company. In sole proprietorship business, sources of internal fund are owner’s own savings or it may be any kind of factors of production measurable in money, such as: land, labor, capital and organization which are used in production. If the organization is a partnership business, fund invested by the partners is considered as the owner’s capital. On the contrary, if the organization is a company, fund collected through shares selling is considered as internal source of finance. Joint stock companies are of two types: Public Ltd. Company and Private Ltd. Company. Number of Initiators in private ltd. company is 2 to 50 and in public ltd. company it is minimum 7 and the maximum number may be any number limited to the shares. Both public and private ltd. companies collect capital through share selling. But a private ltd. company sells shares among the specified owners instead of selling them in the share market. An important source of capital collection for a public ltd. company is share selling.

Profit-oriented Classification of Internal Sources of Finance

A business institution earns money through producing goods and providing services. The money which remains left after deducting the production cost, selling expenses, etc. from this earnings is the profit of the business. The remaining portion of profit after deducting the interest of loan and the tax payable to the government can be used in various ways as a source of fund – these are discussed below. As in the case of loan, interest payment is compulsory but in the case of internal financing almost nothing is to be done as compulsory; so, the risk of repayment related inability is decreased. Now, we will be introduced with some profit oriented sources of finance.

a) Undistributed Profit and Savings Fund

The portion of profit which is invested in the business instead of distributing among the shareholders is called undistributed profit. If this undistributed profit is kept in separate fund for the purpose of business expansion in future it is called savings fund. Besides, this type of fund may also be created to overcome financial disasters in future.

b) Dividend Equitable Fund

Shareholders of a company usually get dividend from the company on a regular basis. Goodwill of the company implicated with giving this dividend. If in any year business earns less amount of profit then payment of dividend is not possible. But inability of dividend payment may deteriorate the business image in the market; so, in the year when the business earns huge profit, the company keeps aside small portion from the net profit as dividend equitable fund which can be used to pay the dividend also in the year when business earns insufficient profit. Thus, this fund gives the business ability to pay dividend on regular basis.

External Sources of Fund

External fund means external sources from which fund can be collected, such as, fund collected by taking a loan from bank. It is a popular source of finance. Bank loan has some features. First: Bank loan has a fixed term, within this term loan is to be utilized and the principal amount with interest has to be paid back to the bank. Second: Rate of interest remains the same, for the long period of its term no change is made. Third: Repayment of interest and installment of loan regularly and repaying the principal amount within the term is compulsory for the business. These dues have to be repaid even though the business is not profitable. Besides, fund can also be collected through selling debentures or bonds to the bank. Selling of preference shares is another source of external financing.
For learn more about External Sources of Finance. Click here…

Considerable Factors for Selecting the Sources

Organizations collect funds from different sources to meet the need for money. For selecting the sources, we need to analyze advantages and disadvantages of different sources and take into considerations the cost of fund collection, nature of the organization, type and purpose of need of the fund, etc. Making a right mix of the sources of fund is an important decision of the finance management. Things that should be taken into consideration for selecting right source of fund are mainly:

a) Type of Business

In the case of sole proprietorship and partnership businesses, fund is collected usually through own savings, profit of business, or loans taken from relatives. In the case of large scale purchase, leasing is also a good source of finance. In the case of public limited companies, instead of these most funds are collected through issuing shares and debentures. In (Picture: Selecting Sources of Finance based on the Types of Business Organizations) a structure of the sources of finance mix based on different formations and purposes of the business has been furnished. In the first line of the picture, we see, the source is fit for sole proprietorship and partnership business. Hereafter, it is found that undistributed profit, overdraft, short term loan and leasing are acceptable for all kinds of organizations. But long term loan and share issuing are applicable only for companies.
Picture: Selecting Sources of Finance based on the Types of Business Organizations
Picture: Selecting Sources of Finance based on the Types of Business Organizations

b) Insufficiency of Security Property

Usually in the case of a new business organization, getting loan against fixed asset as security is not possible. Besides, the selling of share and debenture is also a bit uncertain for the new companies. In such situation, if long term fund is needed, it is more logical to collect that through leasing.

c) Types of the Needs of Finance

If a company wants to buy expensive equipment’s, machinery, land, buildings, etc., then use of long term sources like- issuing share and debenture, taking lease, taking loan against security, etc. are effective. If there is shortage of fund to bear the expenditure of raw material purchase, paying wages, paying house rent, etc., then use of short term sources like- credit purchase, receivable bill security, bank overdraft can be accepted.

d) Cost of Sources of Fund

Fund can be collected from many sources. But an organization takes loan from that source where the expenses are the least. So, it issues shares for fund collection. But for collecting fund through shares the company has to pay dividend to the shareholders, which is a cost of this source. Besides, the company can mortgage its property for buying the new factory. If through such mortgage the company takes loan for long term, it has to pay installments with interest to the lending organization until the loan is fully realized. As a result, this source is also expensive. The company can accept that source of the two where the cost is least for it. Or, it can collect fund by making a profitable mix of the two sources. Dividend of share is taxable, but interest of debenture is non-taxable. Therefore, to reduce the load of tax, taking loan on interest from bank or other sources is better than collecting fund from internal sources. In many cases, more advantages are got and cost is also reduced by using a mix sources instead of using a single source.

e) Risk of Sources of Fund

If a company takes loan against security, then it has to keep properties as security to the lending organization. If it is not possible for the company to repay the loan within the specified period, then it is bound to repay the money by selling property kept as security. As a result, in selecting the suitable source, related risks of the concerned source also have to be considered.



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