Monday, December 28, 2015

Business Plan

The main objective of business is to earn profit. If there is planning in running business, success becomes easier and possibility of failure reduces. Sometimes, many enthusiastic entrepreneurs cannot become successful because of proper planning in regard of the business. In this chapter, we shall discuss various aspects of business planning.

At the end of this chapter the students will be-

·         Explain the concept and importance of business planning.
·         Explain the process of business planning.
·         Explain the concept of self-analysis.
·         Explain the concept of project planning and its importance.
·         Describe the steps of project planning.
·         Analyze the profitability of project.
·         Able to select the right business in entrepreneurship through project selection process.
·         Able to prepare the structure table for project planning.

Concept of Business Plan

Business plan is the picture of the future activities of business. It is written documents through which the objective of the business, nature, management style, financing, present status and future development process is depicted. A business planning helps the businessman to reach his objective like radar helping an aero plane to reach its destination. Business planning is necessary in both cases, starting a new business or expansion of existing business. A business planning can be compared to the road map of a tourist or blue print for a building constructor.

Importance of Business Plan

The importance of business plan is immense in starting the business, maintain it properly and operate it to reach the objective. The main importance of business plan is as follows:
·         Guide line to operate the business: To achieve the objective of business what, when, how and at what time a thing is to be done is properly mentioned in the plan. As a result it works as a deed of guideline to the entrepreneur.
·         Capital arrangement and Investment: When additional capital is necessary for a business, it is not possible for the entrepreneur to arrange the additional capital, then bank loan or from other sources capital is to be arranged. In this case, the lender or the investor can take decision by analyzing the business plan before extending the loan.
·         Proper utilization of government facilities: Small and medium size enterprises receives many facilities from the government. Business Plan helps to avail those facilities.
·         Helps to make decision: Business plan helps to take decision and give a concept about the competitor, which way the business should be expanded in future, which business is more profitable, what product is to be produced in future.
Beside above mentioned things, by reading the business plan the stakeholders can gain a clear concept of the business by studying the business plan.

Process of Business Plan

The success of business depends on right selection of the project. A project is a planned and thoughtful work process to be completed within a particular time and objective. It starts and ends at a specified time. A project may be a new venture for investment or expansion of old business. The first step of the business plan process is to identify the concepts and evaluate them for selection.

1.     Identifying the Project Concept:

Selection of the project starts from the identifying of the concept the project by the entrepreneur. He can assess the surrounding the environment and get the idea for the demand of a product and services. Selection of a project depends on this demand. Normally, the demand of product and services give birth to the project idea. During the selection of the project concept it is to be considered of the product having entrepreneur’s hobby or interest, products having real demand, prevailing disadvantages of the products, opportunity of using new technology. The sources of new project concepts are own thinking, various government and non-government publication, economic and industrial report and research report.

2.     Evaluation of the Concepts and Selection of the Project:

An Entrepreneur shall make a list of the probable projects after analyzing the information from various sources. A project shall be selected from the list after analyzing it through various methods. A project can be selected by two methods by analyzing the selected concepts. One is Macro-screening and the other is Micro-screening.

A)   Macro-Screening:

Macro-screening is such a process which helps to select a project by evaluating the influential elements of the business concepts. All the businesses are influenced by some elements which are beyond control of the entrepreneur. These elements are population, economy, politics, society, cultural and legal environment.
·         Population: The existence, progress and advancement of a business depend upon the population of the locality where the business is located. The demand of the product is influenced by the size of the market, population, and population growth ratio.
·         Economic Environment: The demand of the product is also influenced by the consumer’s income, savings, expenditure pattern and standard of living. Decision should be taken considering these elements while selecting a project.
·         Natural Environment: Natural environment plays vital role in selecting a project. The raw materials for the industry come from the natural environment. But, those businesses are avoidable which destroys the environments.
·         Political Environment: Political stability, ideology of the leading parties and attitude of the politicians also influences the business activities.
·         Cultural Environment: Education rate, expansion of technical education, social ethics and religious values work as an important element for selection of the business project.
·         Legal environment: The prevailing law of the state, industrial policy contributes a great to the expansion of the business of a country.
Selection of project through Macro-screening is an initial stage. To select the project finally and assess the appropriateness of the project, detailed scrutiny is done with the help of Micro-screening.

B)   Micro-Screening:

Micro-screening is the detailed process of selecting a project through analyzing the market demand, technical, commercial and financial aspect and contribution to the economy, etc. The elements of micro-screening are explained below:
·         Market Demand: Through market survey and analysis of market demand, consumer’s point of view and interest, number of competitors in the market and advantages and disadvantages of products are properly justified.
·         Technical Aspect: Technical aspects of projects are justified from the technological and mechanical point of view. Production processes, technology specification, selection of machineries, feasibility of implementation of the projects are included in these types of jobs.
·         Commercial Aspect: Profitability or commercial viability of a project is most important to select a project. In this case, elements of production cost, sales price, estimated profit etc. are to be considered very carefully.
·         Financial Aspect: In this case considering the expenditure of the project, sources of financing, return on investment etc. a project is selected.
·         Contribution to the National Economy: It is also essential to evaluate how the project shall contribute to the national economy. The yardstick to measure the economic contribution is employment generation, tax payment to the national treasury etc.
From the discussed point of view, projects having realistic and profitability attributes are selected for investment. It is mentionable here that in case of small enterprises and retailing projects; contribution to the national economy is not significant. But, in case of medium and large business such as manufacturing or production oriented business macro and micro-screening both are necessary.

3.     Submission of Business Project Report

The last stage of the business plan is to prepare an excellent report. This report is prepared on the basis of justifiable information of the probability of the selected project.

Guideline for Small Business Plan

It is necessary to be careful while preparing a business plan. The entrepreneur can make the report by himself or with the help of any other specialist. The following guidelines can be followed to prepare a proper business plan:
·         Business plan should be precise and free from excessive wordings.
·         The objective of the business to be focused only one or two products and place for the product and market selection.
·         In the management process of the business unknown person should not be included
·         Any product should not be described with words only understood by the professionals; rather, it should be comprehensible by all.
·         Sales volume should be projected on the basis of realistic quantity of production capacity. Sales account should be maintained very carefully.
·         Business plan should not be drafted on the basis of vague information.
·         There should be a detailed discussion on the present and probable problems of the business in the business plan.
·         It is necessary to involve all the members of the management team and if necessary, advice from an expert may be sought for.

Contents of Small Business Plan

The subject matter of the business plan may vary on the basis of the size of the business, variation in nature and types of the business. But, the following things are common in a business plan:
1.       Name of the Business organization
2.       Address of the organization
3.       Name of the Entrepreneur(s)
4.       Brief of the entrepreneurs or directors
5.       Nature of business (Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Stock Company)
6.       Management style of the business (Single, partnership or joint management)
7.       Amount of Capital
8.       Precise description of market survey (size of the market, possibility of future progress, ways to penetrate the market, pricing of the product.)
9.       Possibility of profit generation (Target profit and guideline to achieve future target profit )
10.   Attachment of projected Financial Statement
a)      Total cost of the project
b)      Projected Income
c)       Projected expenditures
d)      Projected Income Statement
e)      Projected Balance sheet
f)       Projected Cash-flow statement
g)      Statement of Break Even Analysis

Estimated Cash Flow Analysis

It is necessary to estimate the cash flow to operate the business smoothly. This statement can be preserved daily, weekly and monthly basis. In this statement, how much Cash inflow is made and how much expenditures is to be made in a particular period of time is estimated. Because of preparation of cash flow statement, the entrepreneur can have a clear idea about the cash position of the business.

Break Even Analysis

Break even indicates such a state of the business where the income and expenditure of the business becomes equal. It is neither loss nor profit scenario of the business. More precisely to state that when revenue from quantity of goods sold becomes equal to the volume of expenditures is called Break Even. The point at which the sales and expenditure becomes equal is called Break Even Point. Correct pricing of the product, increase of the sales volume, profit planning, increase of profit etc. are possible if the Break Even Point is predefined.

Concept and Process of Self Analysis

It is necessary to justify the capability of the entrepreneur to run the business before starting it. The main reason for this is because there is possibility of success and risk of failure in the business. As a result, it is wise to assess the capability before starting the business. It is a complex procedure to assess the business capability.
If the following work chart is properly filled up by an entrepreneur, he would be able to find out whether he has the quality of becoming an entrepreneur:
1.       Can you draft a Business Plan?
2.       Can you take decision at any situation and maintain your decision in adversity?
3.       Are you willing to take responsibility and lead?
4.       Are they trust and honor you with whom you stay?
5.       Are you physically fit?
6.       Can you work for long time?
7.       Do you feel free to mix and work with others?
8.       Can you communicate effectively with others and influence them?
9.       Can others easily understand your thinking and concept?
10.   Do you have in depth knowledge about the business that you want to start?
11.   Do you have idea about the related factors of the business such as tax, accounts etc.
12.   Do you have experience in marketing and finance?
13.   Do you have sufficient supply of fund to start the business?
14.   Do you have idea about the materials to start the business?
15.   Do you want to start the business staying above all?
After answering the above question you will give marks of 1 for positive answer and 0 for negative answers. Now, count your total achieved number. If your number is:
12 or more then: Enough possibility of becoming entrepreneur.
7-11: Your possibility is not to the optimum level, but you can be successful by trying more.
Below 7            : You do not have sufficient will power to be an entrepreneur.
In many cases, because of lack of competency, efficiency and willingness a person cannot become an entrepreneur, but the scenario may change. Then you can also be an entrepreneur.


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