Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Measuring Instruments

Meter Scale

This simplest instrument to measure length in the laboratory is a meter scale. Its length is 1 meter or 100 centimeters. Because of this, it is called a meter scale. One side of this scale is graduated in centimeter and the other side in inches. Each centimeter is divided into ten equal parts. Each of these parts is called 1 millimeter or 0.1 centimeter. Each inch is divided into eight, ten or sixteen equal parts.
Measure with a meter scale: To measure the length of a rod or a stick by the meter scale, its one end is so placed that is coincides with the 0 mark or some other convenient mark of the scale. The reading of the mark that coincides with the other end of the rod is taken. The difference between the readings at the two ends of the rod gives the length of the rod. In general if the reading of the mark that coincides with the left end of the rod is x and that of the mark coinciding with the right end is y. Then the length of the rod is L = y – x. With this scale length may be measured to an accuracy of 1 millimeter. For more accurate measurement vernier scales are used.

Vernier scale

In the ordinary meter scale we can measure length up to 1 millimeter. To measure fractions of millimeter like 0.2mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm etc. we have to use vernier scale. This scale was invented by a mathematician Pieria Vernier and is called vernier scale according to his name.
vernier scale image
Vernier scale
A small scale is used by the side of the main scale for accurate measurement of fractions of the smallest division of the main scale. By using vernier scale along with meter scale fractions of millimeter may be measured accurately.
Vernier scale can be moved forward or backward along the side of the main scale. Say, a vernier scale has ten divisions this ten division is equal to nine smallest divisions of the main scale (fig of vernier scale). Nine smallest divisions of main scale is 9 millimeter or 0.9 centimeter. As 10 vernier scale divisions is equal to nine smallest divisions of the main scale. So, a vernier scale division is slightly smaller than the smallest division of the main scale. The difference between the smallest main scale division and the vernier scale division is called vernier constant. It is generally written by VC. A simple equation may be used to determine the vernier constant, that is vernier constant = s/n, where s is the length of 1 smallest division of the main scale and n the number of vernier divisions.
As mentioned above, s = 1 mm and n = 10 divisions
∴ Vernier constant = s / n = 1 mm / 10 = 0.1mm = 0.01cm.
Sometimes 20 vernier scale divisions are equal to 19 smallest main scale divisions and the smallest main scale division is less than 1 mm. Then the vernier constant becomes difference. The vernier constant depends on the characteristics of marking the main scale and the vernier scale.

Slide Calipers

The other name of slide calipers is vernier calipers. Because, the Vernier’s method is used for the measurement with this instrument. The main scale of the slide calipers is made of a graduated rectangular still plate. A metal jaw is fixed at the starting end of the main scale, that is, at the end marked 0 of the main scale. A Jawed small scale is put over the body of the main scale, to measure fraction of the small division of the main scale accurately. It is called vernier scale.
Slide Calipers
Slide Calipers
This Jawed vernier scale can be moved forward or backward along with the main scale. There is screw in it. It can be fixed at any point on the body of the main scale with this screw. When the Jaw of the vernier scale touches the Jaw of the main scale then the zero of the main scale should coincide with the zero of the vernier scale.
By using vernier scale fraction of millimeter may be measured accurately.
Vernier constant of the slide calipers can determine from the above mentioned vernier scale chapter.
Measurement of slide calipers: Suppose, the length of rod is to be measured. The rod is to be placed between the two jaws of the slide calipers. The jaw connected with the vernier scale is to be pushed forward so that the jaws of the main scale and the vernier scale touch the opposite ends of the object. The rod is placed such that its left end coincides with zero (0) mark of the main scale. The vernier scale is moved forward and backward to make it coincide with the right side of the rod. Suppose the right end of the rod has crossed M mm mark of the scale and is between M and (M + 1) mm. This extra distance beyond M mm is to be determined by using the vernier scale. This length will be the vernier reading.
Now it is to be noted which vernier scale mark coincides with which of the main scale mark. If no vernier mark coincides with a main scale mark then find out the nearest vernier mark. The reading of this mark that is the number of vernier scale divisions from the left to this mark is the vernier scale reading.
Suppose the Vth vernier mark coincides with or nearest with any main scale mark. Hence the vernier constant of the instrument is VC.
The length of the rod = main scale reading + vernier scale reading = main scale reading + vernier scale reding x vernier scale constant.
Thus, L = M + V x VC, where VC is the vernier constant.
The jaw connected with the vernier scale is to be pushed forward so that the jaws of the main scale and the vernier scale touch the opposite ends of the object. In some instrument reading not is coincided. Then have to understand there are some errors in the instruments and have to rectify it.

Screw Gauge

This is device for the measurement of radius of wire of this cylinders and small length. It consists of a u-shaped still frame.
screw gauge image
Screw Gauge
The rod with plane end is permanently fixed with the plane surface A of one arm. The other arm has a hollow cylinder C. A linear scale graduated in millimeter is marked on the cylinder and a screw with a cylindrical cap T is fitted with it. The screw can move through the hollow cylinder C. The end of the cylindrical cap T is graduated 0 to 50 or 100. When the Jaws are closed, that is, then the head of the screw B touches the plane end of the fixed rod A, the zero of the circular scale coincides with the zero of the linear scale. If the zero marks of the two scales do not coincide, then there is instrumental error.
The distance through which the screw advances along the linear scale when the cap T is rotated once is called the Pitch of the screw gauge. The distance through which the screw advances when the circular scale is rotated through only 1 division is called the least count. The least count is obtained by dividing the pitch by the number of divisions in the circular scale.
Usually the circular scale has 100 divisions and the pitch is 1 mm.
Measurement by Screw Gauge: The wire whose diameter is to be measured or the plate whose thickness is to be determined is placed between A and B. The wire or the plate should be so placed that it’s one side touches A and the other side touches B. Now the reading of the linear and circular scales is to be taken. Suppose the reading of the linear scale 1 mm, and the number of divisions of the circular scale is C. Then the diameter of the wire or the thickness of the plate will be:
Diameter or thickness = Linear scale reading + no. of divisions of the circular scale x Least count.
That is, D = L + C x LC
When the head of the screw touches the plane end of the fixed rod A, then the zero of the circular scale should coincide with the zero of the linear scale, then it means there is an error. For this reading should be corrected.


Sometimes in physics and chemistry the mass of a small quantity of a substance needs to be measured very accurately, this is not possible with a common balance. The less quantity of the substance, the more accurate the balance should be. The balance is such an accurate weighting machine. This instrument is used in physics and chemistry laboratories for accurate measurement of small masses. Because, if the measurement of the mass in the laboratory is not accurate, the result will be wrong and the objective of the experiment will not be fulfilled.
balance images
The balance has two scales pans P1 and P 2 of equal weight at the two ends like an ordinary balance. The scale pans are hanged from the ends of a metal beam AB with the help of two frames of equal weight. The frames are placed on two inverted knife edges in two grooves at the end.
A knife with its edges downward is fixed in the middle of the beam AB. It is placed on a hollow vertical pillar. The pillar is firmly fixed at the middle of a wooden floor CC. Three leveling screws LS are fixed with this floor (the third has not been shown in the fig.). These are used to level the instrument. A solid metal rod inside the hollow pillar can be raised or lowered with the help of a level H connected with the floor. The base of triangular shaped agate is fixed exactly in the middle of the beam AB. The sharp age is kept on an agate plate placed on the solid rod of the beam. When the solid rod is lifted, the beam AB swings about the narrow edge of the agate as the fulcrum.
The broad side of a long pointer (PO) is fixed at the middle of the balance. Its lower narrow end is free to move over a scale. When the beam is horizontal, the pointed end of the pointer rests on the zero of the scale. The beam is made horizontal with the help of a plumb-line (PL) and the leveling screws. The entire instrument is kept in a glass box.
Measurement by Balance: To use the balance, the handle H is rotated to left the pillar and hence the beam AB .The beam will then start swing freely about the knife edge. Along with the beam the scale pans will also keep in swinging up and down, with the backward rotation of the handle H. The pillar will be lowered and the swinging of the beam and scale pans will stop.
When the beam AB swings, the lower end of the pointer keeps oscillating right and left over the scale. If there is nothing on the scale pan, the oscillation of the pointer should be equal on the two sides of the zero of the scale. If it is not, the two adjusted screws (BS) at the two ends of the beam AB are to be so adjusted that the oscillation of the pointer on the two sides of the zero of the scale becomes equal. Whether the pillar P is vertical or not is seen with the plumb-line PL.
To measure the mass of an object it is placed on the left-hand pan. Known weights are placed slowly on the right-hand pan one by one, till the pointer oscillates equally to the two sides of the zero of the scale. Thus the mass of an object is determined with the help of known weights.


Stopwatch is used to measure small time interval. Stopwatches are of two kinds’ digital stopwatch and analog stopwatch. Digital stopwatch can give more accurate reading than that of analog stopwatch. An analog stopwatch can give an accurate reading up to ±0.15 while a digital stopwatch can read accurately up to ±0.015. Now a day’s digital stopwatch is found in mobile phone also.
A stopwatch has to start and stop by the hands to measure a time. An error of about a large fraction of a second takes place in the reading of time interval though it may vary from person to person. The degree of error is more to the old than the young. For most of the people the error is about 0.3seconds.

Error and accuracy in measurement

All measurements have some limitations of accuracy. Accuracy of measurement depends on the skill of observer and the instruments used. Suppose a meter scale is graduated in centimeter and millimeter. If we want to measure the length of this book we will get the result probably up to 0.1cm accurately. In Accuracy may be reduced in case of measuring the length of a house because the scale is to be used several times for measuring the full length. Every time the position of the front edge of the scale has to be marker on the floor. This increases the source of error thus increasing the probability of errors.
The accuracy of measurement is as important as measurement itself. So, the observer should mention the degree of accuracy of result with the result of the experiment. Let the length of this book be 26.0cm ±0.1cm. Here the symbol ±means that the real length of the book is between 25.9cm and 26.1cm. Here 0.1cm is the uncertainty or error of measurement.
Generally there are three types of error in measurement. There are:
1.       Random error
2.       Instrumental error
3.       Personal error
Random error: The error for which irrelevant occur in measured results by measuring a constant quantities. Several times is random error. The word random itself implies that the error cannot be guessed earlier and expected value will be zero. This is because measured values moves around the accurate value and average value of the errors should be zero if the value of the quantity is measured by the same instrument. The random error will be included as much as many times the scale is used to measure the floor. Each time the front edge marking on the floor falls a little back and forth of the accurate mark. Another random error takes place with the measurement when the meter scale is placed at the previous marking (slightly error position) as back edge starts from back and forth position. The final result may be very much high or low due to random error. It is impossible to avoid random error but this error can be reduced by precautionary measurement. In order to minimize the random error average of the frequent measurement is to be taken.
Instrumental error: We need instruments for experimental measurement in physics. The error with the instrument is called instrumental error. For example, if the zero marking of main scale is not super-imposition with the zero marking vernier then the result of measurement will not be accurate. This kind of error is known as instrumental error. Similarly if the indicator needle of ammeter or voltmeter is not super-imposition with the zero marking then there remains error with the instrument. The instrumental error has to be determined before starting the experiment. Finally the actual reading has to be obtained by subtracting this error from the reading.
Personal error: We have to take various readings during experiment. The error that an experimenter makes during experiment is called personal error. The error with the position of the observer, observing any mark or any calculation is also said to be personal error. For example there will be an error while measuring the length of a rod if the super-imposition of the edge of a rod with a definite mark of the scale is observed obliquely instead of perpendicular position. There will be error in reading when we cannot observe which division of circular scale is in super-imposition with the linear scale of a time per screw gauge. Similarly we cannot find accurate if there is mistake in counting oscillation number while determining time period of a pendulum. All these are known as personal errors. We have to take the reading properly and carefully with a view to avoiding these errors.


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