Monday, December 7, 2015

Excretion in human beings

A good number of chemical reactions take place inside the cells of an organism. So, all the physiological phenomena are performed neatly. Organisms remain alive. Some products are produced by chemical reactions which are essential for body. The products of some of these reactions are poisonous and these must be removed from the body. For example, the breakdown of glucose during respiration produces carbon dioxide. This is carried away by the blood and is removed from lungs. Elimination of nitrogenous waste products and various diseases in kidney are discussed in this chapter.
excretion in human beings
Human Excretion
Metabolism is the biological process through which waste products are produced in and excreted from the body. These substances are of no use for the body, but it may cause various diseases if they remain inside the body for a long time. It may cause death. Excretory system assists to remove the poisonous products from the blood that maintains the physiological balance. Excessive water, salt, carbon dioxide and organic substances are excreted or expelled from the body.
the excretory system
Excretory system
Kidney is the excretory organ. The basic unit of kidney is nephron.

Excretory products

Basically excretory product means nitrogenous waste. Human excretory product is expelled from the body as urine. Almost 90% water is the component of urine. Other components are urea, uric acid, creatanine and different kinds of salts. The color of the urine is light yellow due to the presence of a pigment called urochrome. Excessive intake of proteins increases the acidity, fruits and vegetables generally make the urine alkaline.
A nephron


Excretory organ of human body is kidney. Two kidneys lie at the back of the abdominal cavity, on either side of the vertebral column and lower part of the ribcage attached to the back wall. They are red brown and bean shaped. The outer side of the kidney is convex and inner side is concave having an indentation called hilus. The chamber in the hilus is pelvis. There are two uretus (urinary duct) one arising from the pelvis of each kidney and proceeding downwards to open into the urinary bladder. From the hilus the renal vein comes out and renal artery enters the kidney. Pelvis is the enlarged funnel shaped part of the ureter.
Each kidney is enclosed by one type of fibrous membrane. This is capsule. In longitudinal section of each kidney shows two regions, the outer one is cortex and part is inner medulla. The regions are composed of connective tissues and blood vessels. Generally, there are 8-12 renal pyramids in the medulla. The apex of each pyramid is called papilla.
Each kidney contains a particular type of tubules, these are uriniferus tubules. Each uriniferus tubule has two parts, such as- nephron and collecting tubule. Urine is produced in nephron and collecting tubules carry urine to the pelvis.


The functional unit and secretory part of uriniferons tubule of kidney is nephron. Each human kidney contains about 1 million (1,000,000) nephrons. Each nephron is composed of a renal corpuscle, malphigian body and renal tubule.
A nephron
Each renal corpuscle is divided into two parts, glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule. Bowman’s capsule encloses the glomerulus. Each Bowman’s capsule is a cup shaped organ and composed of two epithelial layers. The Bowman’s capsule, containing a small cluster of blood vessels is called glomerulus. Afferent arteriole from the renal artery enters the capsule, after entering the Bowman’s capsule it breaks into about 50 capillaries. These capillaries divide again and form a mass of fine capillaries. These capillaries unite together and form efferent arteriole and leave the Bowman’s capsule.
Glomerulus acts as a filter and produces glomerular filtrate from the blood. The convoluted tubule behind the Bowman’s capsule, which spreads up to the collecting tubule, is called the renal tubule. Each kidney contains about 2 million renal tubules. Each renal tubule is divided into three regions e.g. proximal convoluted tubule, Henley’s loop and distal convoluted tubule.
A normal adult man expels almost 1500 milliliter urine daily. Urine contains nitrogenous waste products, such as- urea, uric acid, ammonia, creatanine etc. These are very much harmful to health. Kidney has an important role to eliminate these harmful and needless products. Each nephron of the kidney is continuously producing urine through a complex process. This urine reaches to the pelvis of the kidney through collecting tubules and proceeds through the funnel like extended part of the pelvis and enters ureter. Ureter carries urine from kidney to urinary bladder, stores there for the time being. When the urinary bladder is filled up with urine, a sensation of urination is created and allows urine to pass out of the body through urethra. In this way kidney helps to expel nitrogenous waste product from the body. Kidney maintains the balance of mineral salts e.g. Sodium chloride, potassium chloride etc. Besides this it maintains the balance of water, acid and base of blood.


For all physiological processes adequate amount of water is inevitable. Basically, most of the water goes out of the body as urine. The main function of kidney is to keep balance of water. Nephron of kidney maintains the water equilibrium by re-absorption. Liquid substances are filtered in glomerulus. If the blood contains too much water, blood becomes dilute. It creates different complexity within the body, such as – excessive nitrogenous products in blood, harm of cell, disturbance in blood transportation etc.

Kidney stone

Small stones like substances produced by kidney are known as kidney stone. Anyone can be attacked by these diseases. But it has been noticed that the male have the higher possibility of stone formation than the female. Excessive body weight/obesity, infection in kidney, drinking insufficient water, in taking of excessive protein e.g. meat and eggs are the causes of kidney stones.
Initially formation of kidney stones causes no remarkable problem and problem occurs when it goes downward the ureter water and obstructs urination. A very dull and steady pain in the back waist is the symptom of this disease. Blood passes into the urine. Fever starts with shaking. Treatment depends upon the size and location of the stones. Stones can be removed by taking sufficient water and medicament. Stones can be removed be the modern methods uterus stereoscopic conic, ultra sonic lithotripsy or surgical operation.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure occurs gradually from the diseases like nephritis, Diabales, hypertension (high blood pressure). Complex nephritis, excessive blood loss, diarrhea etc. are the causes of sudden kidney failure.
Symptoms of kidney failure are difficulty in urination, increased level of creatanine in blood. Kidney machine (dialysis machine) can be used to remove the harmful waste products from a patient’s blood. The patient has to use the kidney machine after particular / definite intervals and the blood is purified.

Kidney dialysis

When kidney failure happens then the process of purifying by scientific method is named dialysis. Usually with the help of kidney machine, blood can be purified.
dialysis machine image
Dialysis machine
A kidney machine (dialysis machine) receives blood through a tube connected to an artery. Inside the machine blood flows through dialysis tubing which allow small molecules, including urea, uric acid to pass through its walls. The ‘cleaned’ blood is returned to the patient through a tube connected to a vein.
The dialysis tubing is bathed in a liquid similar to blood plasma. In this way a kidney machine purifies blood through dialysis tubing. This allows wastes to diffuse out of the blood. But regular dialysis is expensive and time consuming.

Kidney transplantation

An alternative to this is kidney transplantation. A person can survive adequately with one kidney. In such cases it is to replace the diseased kidney with a normal kidney from some other person. But one should be aware / sure of tissue matching between donor and recipient. There is every possibility of tissue matching if it is donated by parents, brother or sisters and nearest relatives. Again the kidney transplant can be done by collecting it from a dead man. Here dead means “brain death”. Like posthumous eye donation kidney donation can save the life of a kidney failure patient. Donation of posthumous kidney is a good service to mankind.
Leading unhealthy living, drinking insufficient water causes urinary tract or ureter disease. Infection in ureter causes burning sensations along with other symptoms. Consult with doctor as soon as immediately and with proper treatment most patients recover completely.

Measure to keep the urinary tract sound / free from diseases

Be careful about the tonsillitis and scabies of the children; keep control of high blood pressure and diabetes. Immediate treatment for diarrhea, blood loss, avoid smoking and pain relieving medicine, drink adequate amount of water, lead a regular life.


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