Though the main objective of business is to profit generation, it
has to maintain the concept of ethics and the matter of social
responsibilities. As a part of the society, the entrepreneur and business
organization has to bear in mind and uphold the idea of social values, morality
and positive attitude towards society. In this chapter, we shall learn about
the different aspects of ethics and social responsibility of a business.
After reading this chapter, we shall be able to –
Explain the concept and importance of business
values, honesty and ethics explain the concept of business social
Explain the mode of responsibility towards state,
society, buyer and worker.
Explain the features and effect of air
pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and land contamination.
Identify the social responsibilities of
Describe the various types of developmental
works of social responsibilities of different business.
Concept of Business Ethics and Values
The concept of ethics and are values indispensable to each other.
Value is the wisdom and attitude of the society which is treated as valuable
and eligible to be followed by others. It indicates the positive, well-being and
goodness of human life. Ethical principle means the ability to differentiate
between good and bad, justice and injustice, does and don’ts etc. It is really
necessary to follow the ethical standard of the behavior of people to form a
happy society and country as a whole.
The word ethics has evolved from the Greek ‘Ethos’ which means the standard of human behavior. Ethics is
related to our daily activities. We know that the responsibility of teacher is
to teach the students properly. This is not the end. He has to ensure whether
the students understand the lessons. He should also look after the
attentive-inattentive students, to examine the home works of the students and
make correction if there is any mistake; all these tasks are included in his
ethical responsibilities. Like a teacher a student also has some ethics; such
as going to school in time, doing homework and follow the ideology of the
teacher. Ethics means the capacity of analyzing the good and bad and accepting
the right things. It is the part of ethics to carrying out responsibilities by
the teacher and student properly.
Business Ethics
In a business there are lots of task related from the very
beginning to the operational level. To proceed with the tasks with proper,
decent and correct measures, ethics works as a guideline for this. Besides, the
business ethics or ethical value helps us to be well behaved in the business
Business is a societal institution. A business organization is
formed and continues to meet up the demand for various goods and services for
our daily use. An entrepreneurs or businessman sell the products to the
consumers with addition of profit with the production cost or purchase price.
Profit is the difference between the selling price and buying price or selling
price and production cost. If anybody creates an artificial demand for a
product to gain extra profit, then it will go against ethics. There are some
ethical values in operation of business. The pricing of the product should be
fixed in such way so that the seller can make profit along with keeping the
price within the purchasing power of the buyer. On the other hand, the business
person should not supply such products which are harmful for the society. It
means that business should be operated through maintaining the interest of the
stakeholders. Other ethics of business are as follows:
To maintain honesty
Not to produce and market harmful products Not
to cheat with the customer
Not to sale expired product and goods
Not to make any artificial scarcity of
To follow the commercial and industrial law of
the state Not to pollute environment
To contribute to the welfare of the society.
Necessity of Business Values and Ethics
Every day we can see a lot of negative news in the dailies. For
example we can say selling of dead chicken, contaminating food, producing &
selling of low quality products, cheating in weight, fish and fruits with
formalin, giving false and exaggerate information of products, using low
quality of products in construction, contaminated medicine, plying of vehicles
ineligible to run on the road. The impact of these unethical activities is
severe. A number of children have been becoming sick and dying from tainted
medicine. People are getting diseased from eating various poisonous foods. If this
is not stopped immediately; very soon we shall find ourselves in an ailing
society. The result of which will be devastating. For the following reasons
necessity of business values and ethics are immense:
Man is the best creation of Allah (SWT).
Unethical activities and attitude is not expected from them.
A businessman lives on selling manufactured or
supplied goods. It is their ethical obligation to supply right goods and
At present, people are falling sick of complex
and severe diseases from eating contaminated foods. It has a dire impact. Only,
business ethics can save us from this direly situation.
Medicine contamination causes death in many
cases. The ethical mentality of the manufacturer of medicine can save from this
devastating consequence.
Business is a social institution. It is
responsible to look after the good –bad, welfare of the society.
Though, generation of profit is the main
objective of business, it has some social responsibility as well. To avoid the
social responsibility is not good for the business.
To carry out social responsibility is
obligatory for the business.
The role of ethics is immense to maintain and
operate the business with sound and proper way. The decision of the business
are correct if the general rule for ethics are followed
Though, temporary financial gain is possible
from unethical activities of the business. But, there are many businesses that
has gone ashtray by involving in the unethical works.
Everybody hates the businessman involved in
unethical activities. There is no alternative of respect and honor for the
businessman other than availing ethics and right path-ways of business.
Concept of Social Responsibility and Its Importance
The social responsibility of business means to contribute to the
well-being and welfare activities of the society along with earning profit. From
the early age, the objective of the business has concentrated on profit only.
But, the concept has been changed now. Business is a social organization. Its
activities also revolve around the society. To estimate the demand for goods
and services and manufacture and supply them accordingly to meet up the demand
are the main activities of business. To live a sound life there are some more
demands such as education, health service, entertainment etc. It is the duty of
the government to arrange to supply the expensive necessities for the people,
since individual cannot arrange to supply them because of the incapacity.
Recently, some business organization are coming forward to perform various
public welfare task like establishing schools, college, hospital, providing
scholarships to the meritorious poor pupils, etc. Since business is a social
institution, its existence and profitability largely depends upon the support
of the mass. To carry out the social responsibility by every business is their
ethical responsibility.
In real sense, a business person is a creative and well aware
member of the society. He is creative, mindful and effective. He has the right
to receive something form the society and similarly he has some responsibility
to give something back to the society. If he spends a part of his earned
profit, it will increase his honor and status in the society.
Case Study
Mr. Williams David is an intelligent, brave, trustworthy and honest
young man. He plays a role to organize every program in his society. He used
visit a pharmacy on his way to school while studying. Sometimes, he used to
help the owner of the pharmacy in various tasks. In this way, he acquired some
knowledge on pharmacy business. He failed to continue his studies after SSC, so
he sold some ornaments of his mother and started a pharmacy with the small
amount of capital. He remembered some advises from his father such as ‘Never
deceive a person, ‘Give honest advice, if sought by anyone’ ‘never tell lies’
‘Respect your elders’ ‘Help the destitute’. Mr. Williams David always followed
ethics in operating his business. He always gave good advice to patients about
good doctors. Many patients with complex diseases have been benefited from his
advice. Besides, he used to sell genuine medicine. He never tried to make more
profit by taking higher price or selling duplicate medicine. For all these
reasons, his profit grew rapidly and he became reputed as an honest business
person. Besides, his business also prospered.
After a period of time, his son, Mr. Williams David took
responsibility of the pharmacy. But, out of his greed, he started to sell
duplicate medicine. Many people suffered from buying medicine from his shop. He
gained disputation within short span of time as a dishonest businessman.
Gradually, the business lost its fame and has to shut it down.
Social Responsibility of Business to Various Stakeholders
In this competitive business world, the business person has to
carry out responsibility to various stakeholders along with maintaining
sustenance as per profit growth. The stakeholders of business are State,
Society, Buyer, Worker etc. These parties are involved with the business by
some means.
Responsibility to State
The objective of the state is to ensure that business is done
protecting the interest of the people. Government is happy if demand for goods
and services of mass is met through establishing business and developing
employment as well as providing tax regularly. The following responsibilities
are to be carried by the business to the state:
To pay Tax to the government regularly
To follow the rules and regulations properly
To contribute for employment generation and
economic development
Social Responsibility in Business
The business is developed from enjoying various facilities from
the society. So, business has to carry out the following responsibilities
favoring the society.
Producing quality products and supply them as
per demand of the society.
Creating opportunity for employment generation
Assisting in various public welfare works
Stand by the people at natural calamities
Safeguard the environment from pollution
Not to storage of goods for making artificial
scarcity to make extra profit.
Responsibility to Customer and Consumer
The success of business depends upon the trust and cooperation of
buyer and consumer. So, the businessman has to carry out the following
To keep stabilized the product market
To Supply quality products
To make products easily available
To provide various information on products and
Responsibility to Employees
The profit of the business is earned through the untiring effort
of employees and staffs. Thus, business cannot be operated ignoring their
interest. With the progress of business their salaries and wages should be
increased, bonus and increment to be awarded and as a whole their condition
should be improved. A business person has to perform the following
responsibilities towards the employees:
To provide proper wages and financial benefit.
To provide job security
To ensure suitable working environment
To arrange training and promotion
To arrange for residence and treatment
Environmental Pollution and Business
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River Pollution from the industrial wastage |
The main disadvantage of business especially of industry is
environmental pollution. Industrial wastage and liquids are polluting the river
and canal water. Because of contamination, water becomes toxic for the living
things under water including fish. On the other hand, throwing wastage here and
there, and fumes from the vehicles pollute air. Factory machine and generator
with their awful noise cause serious sound pollution. Besides, in the name of
industrialization trees are cut down and hills are planed without any limits
and environments are polluted. In the name of land development for residence,
filling up the canals and water reservoir for residential purpose, river
erosion, plying the ineligible vehicles in the roads and extensive use of air conditioning
machines are responsible for environmental pollution. For this reason health
hazard is increasing and on the other hand living creatures are being seriously
Government has introduced new law to be free from pollution. But,
lack of proper implementation of the law is increasing the level of pollution
day by day. Lack of awareness about the effect of pollution, disposing wastage
here and there and fault sewerage system are also responsible for environmental
It is necessary to increase awareness through mass media, proper
application of law, developing wastage management and inclusion of course on
environmental pollution in the curriculum, if we want to make us safe from the
environmental pollution.
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